Enjoying a weekend in Boston....

     Enjoying a weekend in Boson while my poor husband is stuck in an electrical code update seminar. Poor man...happy me! He's almost free (2 hours to go!) and then we're off to dinner in my favorite city! While he's away, this mouse is not playing, but getting caught up on all kinds of writing projects: the Reiki (http://facebook.com/myddfaireiki ) page has been updated, a new post for SageWoman has been published on the PaganSquare blogs (http://witchesandpagans.com) AND the final segment of the final chapter of a historical romance I've been working on is done. All I have left to do is write a synopsis and submit it to the publishers. Oh, what bliss is to be found in a quiet hotel room five stories up with only the sound of the wind for company! (Although there are no cookies to be had, so my bliss isn't as complete as it might be.) Happy weekend all!


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