Morning and Evening Prayers
While wasting time on FB when I should have been writing I stumbled across Unitarian Universalist minister Naomi King's FB page. She may be the daughter of super-creepy writer Stephen King, but her theology is anything but. I was moved and inspired by her words, and want to post them here for any to read who wish it. Because she is UU, the focus of her prayers are largely non-denominational; I as a Pagan can easily identify with them, and her words resonate with some part of my soul that is seeking guidance, or perhaps just reassurance. With no further ado, the words of Rev. Naomi King:
Morning Prayer April 3
Sweet Wonder stop
us in surprising joy each and every day. Open our hearts that there is at least
one flower at the end of the day, one blessing for us to name and give thanks
for and share with another. Will it be the savory taste of a meal we have
yearned for and reached, hungry and more than ready for the gift a meal can be?
Will it be the sweet scent of a fresh breeze that promises a change or carries
good memories upon it, drawing us back to earlier blessings? Open our hearts
that there is at least one flower at the end of the day, one blessing for us to
name and give thanks for and share with another. Will it be a kindness
witnessed or received or offered, weaving together our lives with generosity
and courage to risk giving, receiving, and bearing witness? Will it be a sound
that thrills us, stills us, or calls us back to life's dance? Open our hearts
that there is at least one flower at the end of the day, one blessing for us to
name and give thanks for and share with another. Sweet Wonder stop us in
surprising joy each and every day, knowing each surprising joy calls us back to
our whole selves, our choices, and our calling to bless this world. Amen.
Evening Prayer April 3
Sweet Wonder teach
us to celebrate in each and every day. May we celebrate the moments of
stillness and silence when the rest of our day was cacophony and busyness. May
we celebrate the delights of dancing and laughing together when the rest of our
day was pain and stillness broken only by cries of hurt. Let us not choose
condemnation for dancing through our hunger, our hurting, and our
broken-heartedness; the dancing gives us hope helps us carry on. Sweet Wonder
teach us to celebrate in each and every day. May we celebrate trying again
after a failure, and learning new ways of approaching the same problems, and
not forget to giggle at our own absurdities. May we celebrate the commitment
love requires and the freedom love creates and the responsibilities that call
us to be better people than we find convenient or easy. Let us not choose
dismissing the celebrators of little things and awkward moments, for they are
choosing blessing this world and inviting us to the party. Sweet Wonder teach
us to celebrate in each and every day. There is so much more worth celebrating
than so many of us stop to do. Let us choose blessing this world with courage
and gladness. Amen.
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