I missed yesterday (much sorry!) so here are 2 for today!


Spring ! and the buds against the sky;
Heart, forget that you saw
The little brown bird that fluttered by—
The bird with the wisp of straw.

Spring Night

~Sara Teasdale
THE park is filled with night and fog, 
  The veils are drawn about the world, 
The drowsy lights along the paths 
  Are dim and pearled. 
Gold and gleaming the empty streets,         
  Gold and gleaming the misty lake, 
The mirrored lights like sunken swords, 
  Glimmer and shake. 
Oh, is it not enough to be 
Here with this beauty over me?  
My throat should ache with praise, and I 
Should kneel in joy beneath the sky. 
O beauty, are you not enough? 
Why am I crying after love, 
With youth, a singing voice, and eyes  
To take earth's wonder with surprise? 
Why have I put off my pride, 
Why am I unsatisfied,— 
I, for whom the pensive night 
Binds her cloudy hair with light,—  
I, for whom all beauty burns 
Like incense in a million urns? 
O beauty, are you not enough? 
Why am I crying after love?


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