Faerie Day!

We had a visitor this evening! (I think it may be a faerie!)

Fairy Day is a day for fairies, magic, and wishes to come true. For one day, put aside the cycnicism of the modern world and embrace the possibilities of the unknown, and believe in fairies…June 24 is International Fairy Day. It’s a holiday for fairies and the humans who want to celebrate them. June 24 falls during the holiday of Midsummer, which is associated with the summer solstice (or winter solstice in the southern hemisphere). Although the solstice actually falls on June 21, the Midsummer celebration extends a few days before and after the actual day.
According to Cicely Mary Barker (1895-1973) artist, poet, and author of several fairy books, “Summer is a very busy time of year for the fairies. However they do make time to have fun at Midsummer to thank the sun for shining its light and warmth on their flowers, helping them grow.”
Midsummer is one of the most magical times of the year, and it is an important holiday for the fairies. Fairy lore says that Midsummer is a time of year when the veil between the human world and Faerie (Fairyland) thins, allowing the worlds to mingle. People were warned not to fall asleep outside at Midsummer because they might be carried off by the fairies.
One of William Shakespeare’s most popular plays is “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” which takes place at Midsummer. Unwitting humans in the forest realm of Queen Titania and King Oberon get caught up in the middle of the couple’s argument, and become the victims of Puck’s magical fairy pranks.
The creation of International Fairy Day is attributed to renowned fairy artist Jessica Galbraith. There is a Fairy Day event page on Facebook for those who would like to celebrate.
There are lots of great ways to celebrate International Fairy Day with friends and family. Many people like to rise early on the day and go outside to greet the sunrise. Plan a party, fairy tea, or a bonfire. Remember to leave out gifts and treats for the fairies, such as crystals, sweet cakes, honey, nuts, or fruit. The fairies will imbibe the energies of the treats, and the local wildlife can enjoy them after that. Set up a Maypole, sing songs, play music, recite fairy poetry, or even give a performance or reading of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
Remember at least to keep the fairies in mind on Fairy Day, and be on the lookout to catch a glimpse of a fairy.



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