August = Zucchini?
It's late August, and for, oh, a month now, the squash invasion has been going on full-force. I'm sure most of you know what I mean: you plant your lovely little garden plot with all kinds of luscious goodies, including zucchini plants. You're smart, you only plant 5 zucchini plants--you know from past experience what those little plants will do once they get going. As you plant you are reminded of your grandparents' gorgeous gardens, either planted behind the big two-story farmhouse they once owned that had the attic that was kept just for you to play in, or the littler plots tucked in beside the smaller mobile homes they lived in once they decided to downsize. Always, there were zucchini. So much zucchini. Gramma's zucchini bread was a marvel; zucchini was served steamed and buttered, and there was always some to take home. At home, you would walk out the back door to climb your favorite tree and settle in with a book, only to trip over the mountain of