Green Witch, Green Witch, How Does Your Garden Grow?
With all kinds of weird and wild plants! Someday I will have a lovely kitchen garden bursting with tomatoes and zucchinis and sweet potatoes, with overflowing urns of herbs lined up along a patio. In the meantime, I have an 11x11 plot in the community garden down the street from my apartment, as well as some pots arranged along my back steps. I’m still aiming for the tomatoes and zucchinis and sweet potatoes, and I do have a pot of herbs happily blooming at the top of the steps. Gardening is relatively new to me; my grandparents had a huge garden when I was a girl, but by the time I was a teenager they were living in an apartment and they had given up gardening, though my grandmother’s begonias and geraniums were always stunning splashes of color on her windowsills, and her window boxes danced with pansies and petunias. The house that I grew up in had the occasional flower patch, but never any vegetabl...