The Restless Pen: Sleeping Beauty, Part 2
Buying more time friends, but you get mystery and intrigue, so I hope you don't mind. Enjoy! Sleeping Beauty, Part 2 “What a curious piece, Mera,” Mrs. Gryce leaned forward in her chair and examined something at her neck. She raised questioning fingers, touched the scarab pendant hanging from a fine chain. “Oh, my scarab. It is, isn’t it?” She struggled to retain her thoughts, mindful of her grandmother’s stiff disapproval of her and the risk of shaming herself before her grandmother’s guests. “It was my mother’s.” Was it? “It’s very pretty, isn’t it Luceille?” Mrs. Gryce looked at her daughter. Luceille, slightly older than herself, nodded, but there was no friendliness in her eyes. “Have you been to Egypt, then, Mera?” “No…” had she? She couldn’t recall. She felt a vague panic. Across the tea table her grandmother’s face stiffened. ...