Autumn Glory

     I have yet to figure out how to balance work, school, family care, and my writing vocation. Inevitably writing takes a back burner, which hurts my heart. :( I have three weeks left of this semester, a six week winter intersession class, and two 12 week spring classes, and then I will be DONE! and the proud owner of a BA in Creative Writing. (And oh, the irony of being a Creative Writing major: you don't have any time to do any creative writing...) In the meantime I must satisfy myself with hastily-written snippets of stories and poetry, and the occasional essay.
     I tend to be more productive during the fall; it's my absolute favorite season (so much so that I got married November 1, 2009!). I love the colors, the scent of wood smoke and spice, the crisp edge to the mornings and the early twilights. I'm a homebody at heart, and cozying up at home with candles lit and something simmering on the stove is my idea of paradise. On that note, my husband and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary earlier this month and took a weekend trip to Rockport Massachusetts. It was a beautiful weekend, sunny and warmish (fifties, anyway), with a salt-kissed breeze coming in over the ocean. We walked all over the town of Rockport admiring the scenery and eating way too much amazing food. I want to go back, preferably right now. Sadly, I am an adult with responsibilities, so I will stay here at my desk and tend to my tasks. I'll soothe my soul with photos from my trip. Care to join me?


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