Autumn resolutions:
The festival of Mabon is coming this week; for those of you who are not Pagan, this would be the Autumnal Equinox. Autumn always strikes a tone within my soul; it's not lost on me that I was married beneath a blazingly scarlet tree on November first...beside a cool New England river, no less. I get more housewife-ish: breads and stews pour band tumble from the kitchen, I am caught ironing curtains and pillowcases...yeah, weird, I know.
It's not just me, though. Cultures the world over celebrate their new year in autumn: Pagans, Jews, Muslims, many Native American tribes and African countries all observe the new year in the autumn. Aspects of this have carried over into today's life: how many of you do a massive fall cleaning? How many of you take the time in the fall to loosely plot the year ahead, probably while putting up fruits and vegetables harvested from gardens? I just drew up my Mabon 'To Do' List, and will tackle the first thing tomorrow (mild food poisoning willing, that is. Cheese is the enemy.)
On the blog The Art of Simple, I came across a great post about forming Autumn Resolutions. It's too good not to share, so:
It's not just me, though. Cultures the world over celebrate their new year in autumn: Pagans, Jews, Muslims, many Native American tribes and African countries all observe the new year in the autumn. Aspects of this have carried over into today's life: how many of you do a massive fall cleaning? How many of you take the time in the fall to loosely plot the year ahead, probably while putting up fruits and vegetables harvested from gardens? I just drew up my Mabon 'To Do' List, and will tackle the first thing tomorrow (mild food poisoning willing, that is. Cheese is the enemy.)
On the blog The Art of Simple, I came across a great post about forming Autumn Resolutions. It's too good not to share, so:
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