Playing in the Dirt!

   I am so glad we had a good couple of days this weekend, because A: my apartment needed a good airing, and B: my back steps were looking really shoddy. Two beautiful almost-70 degree days went a long way toward resolving both issues.
   Windows were pushed open, screens were popped in, and we left the back door open, much to the delight of the cats, intrepid explorers they. Watching my husband try to her a honeybee out of the kitchen while explaining to it why it didn't want to be in the house was definitely worth it. Liam and I planted strawberries and herbs in outdoor pots and I started my seed flat in the kitchen. This year's container garden attempt includes sweet peppers, a variety of hot peppers, five kinds of tomato, beans, cucumbers, mini squash, radishes, lettuce, and nasturtiums, plus a couple odd balls like cucamelons and jelly melons, because why not? These last two didn't sprout at all last year, but I also just direct-planted them outside. I think squirrels ate them. For good measure, I also picked up a mushroom growing kit.

I also picked up an ivy plant and a globe basil, but those are for my office window....

Hopefully I'll see some kind of yield from this year's back step garden. Last year I was too busy with school and didn't pay enough attention to the plants, so nothing really came of it. I read through my small collection of gardening books this weekend, taking notes of what I need to do to keep my plant babies in tip-top shape and not kill the poor things. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will be a good plant Momma this year.

Before leaving for work this morning I peeked in at my babies. The lettuce, arugula, and radishes have begun to sprout, and some of the tomatoes look like they'll be open by the time I get home this evening. Happy is the child that plays in the dirt!


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